Happy Holidays!!! I hope your Christmas was just as joyous as mines. Last year, I planned a Grinchmas Breakfast for my friends with little thems. 😂 The weather was bad so I it didn't go like I planned. This year, I reloaded it! The decor was so ahhmazing thanks to my mommy and Miss Pearl. My event manager at Event Hall @ Cascade. I love the Grinch. The Grinch has a bad reputation for hating Christmas. I think he actually would like it if he was shown love. I have been a Grinch during the holidays, just like you may have or someone you know. Holidays remind us of what's missing in our lives. What we pushed away or didn't know we needed. People get lonely, sad, and angry around this time of the year. In 2013, I contacted a local foster home and my ex-fiancé and I(Sola) planned to gift items to them. It's funny how life comes full circle. Mikey(Sola) recently passed away unexpectedly Dec 9. It wasn't till me just typing this now, that I thought about what we did and now its 8 years later, his recent passing, and I had the bright idea with Pearl to contact them again.
(Flyer Sola made)
💭Quick Thought: I think it's time to bring back poetry nights to the Event Hall.🤔

Anywho, back to Grinchmas!! The breakfast was soo ahhmazing! Thank you to my friend, comedian Brandy Burney IG: TheFunnyMommy
If anyone was gonna be with my Grinchananigans..it was gonna be Brandy! My girl instantly said I'm in!!😆😆😆 The kids really enjoyed her! The joy they had on their faces. Even some of the big kids started to laugh and ease into enjoying the festivities. We also had Santa come in and bring gifts to the kids in attendance. I was already running on fumes doing the brunch since I was busy the night before. I had not had any sleep since Thursday night.🥴😩 My friends came to my house at 3:44 in morning after leaving my moms and they helped me cooked. Special shout out to Lorian for staying up the whole night, well morning and helping me. You were a trooper!! I appreciate you!
I'm going to get back to blogging. I've missed it. It's something I did long ago before my arms and medical issues got worse. Being on social media consumes a lot of my energy and I absorb people's energy, so I post and get off. I'll be updating my blog more as this new path of life enlightenment takes off. Join me or follow me. XoXo TiffMo💋

Watch my Grinchmas Breakfast recap video:
Instagram: 4RealTiff
Facebook: ChefTiffMo or EventHallCascade
Ohhhh guess what!!! I got a blue egg!! Another blog post will soon come!😆😆😍😍
